At the first romantic date, if you really love, the girl is better to give something touching, for example, forget-me-nots, violets, daisies, lilies of the valley... If the goal is not to the heart of the girl, but the desire to overwhelm her, to show his toughness, it comes with a bucket with roses.
Elegance beau underlines a single rose on a long stalk. In addition, long taken to give the girls buds of pink and red roses, beautiful orchid flowers. When it came to serious relationship and you're invited to the parents' home girl, do not forget to buy a bunch, not only for her but for her mother and grandmother. Mature women prefer roses, gerberas, lilies, irises, gladioluses. For older women - chrysanthemums, carnations, dahlias. But the flowers give not only to women. Men also are pleased to receive a bouquet or a flower.
The experts' advice to give men large flowers on long stem - chrysanthemums, peonies, carnations. A bouquet of field flowers will touch the heart of returnee from service, the soldier or sailor. An elegant bouquet of hyacinths, lilacs, and even a branch of a peony do more with its environment in the office boss.
Bouquets of family festivities are encouraged to pick up on the season. But at current abundance of bouquets and floral compositions, you can choose whatever you want, anytime.
Sending flowers to the birthday, it is necessary to take into account the age, nature, sex of a person, his attitude to flowers. Children enjoy a little bouquet from a variety of bright colors. Teenager better deliver something strong - a few tulips, a rose or lilac branch... Women older generation are often insensitive to Gerber, chamomile, cornflowers. They can move to a depth of soul bouquet of field flowers.